this blog documents parts of fersman pettersson's life. comments are welcome in english. kommentera gärna på svenska. Если хотите можете оставлять комментарии на русском.
We have now sold our long and low Jaguar :-( and bought a short and tall Peugeot 1007 instead :-). Its main advantage over the Jaguar is its lower gas consumption. It also has many features, like lots of electronics, AC, lots of airbags (5 stars in EuroNcap), big (remote controlled) sliding doors, glovebox with cooling, etc.
I was on work in Paris Monday to Wednesday this week to attend a conference on formal modelling and analysis of timed systems. It was nice in Paris as usual. This time I lived in the Panthéon area, and found out about the very nice restuarant block "behind" Panthéon (when approaching from Luxenburg). The conference was held at the Surbonne university that was founded in 1253 and had some rather well-known professors, such as Pascal, Descarte, and many other.
Today we went to Stockholm to see the musical Mamma Mia. On our way to Circus, we saw and listened to some political party heads on Drottninggatan, including the Swedish prime minister Göran Persson. The weather was very nice in Stockholm today with lots of sun and warm temperature for the season. Mamma Mia turned out to be a fantastic musical, entirelyly based on ABBA songs. We liked it very, very much!
This Saturday we visisted Paul's parents in their summer house where they had a "surströmingsskiva" (vodka party with fermented Baltic herring). It was an interesting experience and we felt that we will need more training to fully enjoy this Swedish delicacy ;-) On the Sunday we visited Anna and Niklas in their new house in Rimforsa and had delicious coffee prepared by Adolfsson himself. Thank you all for hosting us!
This weekend we went by VikingLine to Finland. The trip started with missing the ferry to Helsinki... Fortunately we could change the ticket and take the ferry to Åbo instead; we also got a better cabin and 65 krones back :-) In Finland we had three stops. First we went to Hamina and met Elenas parents. After a picnic and Hamina sightseeing we went to Anna&Monty in Tuusula. The evening was completely wild (which is pretty usual for Monty&Anna), we had a fantastic dinner, lots of drinks, played biljard and had sauna. The next day we met Kirill (a.k.a. Kirusha :-)), who lives in the middle of Helsinki. He took us for a very nice tour around Helsinki and then to a really good kebab restaurant. Thank you all for the great time!