I was on work in Paris Monday to Wednesday this week to attend a conference on formal modelling and analysis of timed systems. It was nice in Paris as usual. This time I lived in the Panthéon area, and found out about the very nice restuarant block "behind" Panthéon (when approaching from Luxenburg). The conference was held at the Surbonne university that was founded in 1253 and had some rather well-known professors, such as Pascal, Descarte, and many other.
Дорогие детки! Всегда очень приятно видеть Париж,тем более в Сарбонне мы не были-это очень известный университет,мы много о нем читали. Страшно обрадовались, увидев Пола,Ванга и Сашу. Целуем. Мама и папа.
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