fersman pettersson
this blog documents parts of fersman pettersson's life. comments are welcome in english. kommentera gärna på svenska. Если хотите можете оставлять комментарии на русском.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Irisha's Birthday in St.Petersburg

Friday: arrived in the afternoon, and in the evening were at a concert in Jazz Philarmonic Hall having drinks and listening to a crazy woman singing jazz.
Saturday: before the party we were at a photographer to make some pictures of us. The birthday party started at 18:00 in the House of Scientists. There were 15 guests and everybody held at least one speech. One of the guests liked Paul particulary much and they were dancing a lot...
Sunday: shopping - jeans and vodka. It's always a pleasure to shop vodka in Russia. Our flight departed at 18:40.