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Saturday, May 14, 2005
Best in Show
May 13 we saw the Swedish artist Magnus Uggla's show "Best in Show" at Hamburger börs in Stockholm. It was a good dinner and show, but all performed songs were quite new - Paul missed the older songs...
Why pictures are so heavy? Especialy if compare with their quality. Have you done them by mobile? Look at news from the same day (13.05) about Phonolome (Фоноломо) choose СМОТРЕТЬ.
2Elena: Have you managed to see slide show of pictures with Doors's song? If yes, then it is what I suggested. Are you in Japan now? (sorry that I am so bad in uderstanding)
2Ruslan: yes, I saw the slide show. It's not really suitable when you feel like seeing only one picture somewhere in the middle. But as an alturnative i guess it's good.
Why pictures are so heavy? Especialy if compare with their quality. Have you done them by mobile? Look at news from the same day (13.05) about Phonolome (Фоноломо) choose СМОТРЕТЬ.
It is because they are on a very slow web server (150MHz Pentium)with a low bandwith connection to the internet (0,5 Mbps).
I did not understand much of the web page you recommended ;-)
2Ruslan: I don't really get this thing about Phonolome either (even though i'm pretty sure i clicked on the right link ;-))
2Paul & others: I did not miss the old Uggla's songs 'cause I just do not know them (lucky me, poor Paul :-)). I like this one:
Hon är grejen, värsta grymma tjejen,
hon är mitt alternativ.
Hon är grejen, värsta grymma tjejen,
flickan i mitt liv.
Especially when he took this girl out of the crowd and did funny things with her on the stage ;)
Btw, GREETINGS FROM JAPAN! :-))))))))))))
AAAAAAAAA!!! Now I have looked at the pictures!!!!!
2Paul: please remove these terrible pictures of drunk Elena!!!
2Ruslan: u r right, the pictures have been made by phone.
What pictures? ;-)
2Elena: Have you managed to see slide show of pictures with Doors's song? If yes, then it is what I suggested.
Are you in Japan now? (sorry that I am so bad in uderstanding)
2Paul: thanks! :-)
2Ruslan: yes, I saw the slide show. It's not really suitable when you feel like seeing only one picture somewhere in the middle. But as an alturnative i guess it's good.
And yes, i'm in Japan! :-)
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