this blog documents parts of fersman pettersson's life. comments are welcome in english. kommentera gärna på svenska. Если хотите можете оставлять комментарии на русском.
Today we took our Jaguar out of its "cage"! Poor CR-V had no chance to catch up with it on the road. And what a wonderful feeling when Paul is driving! It is just like riding a roller-coaster!
The questions, what happened with other two cars, became interested after you bought Honda. So now we know that Jaguar is still there. What is about Desjatka?
The 10th model of Lada is confusing. My first thought was that Lada made only 9 models before, which is not true. The real model number is 2110x. All Ladas have 21 in the beginning. x is usualy diffrence in engine. So 10 is left. ;)
The questions, what happened with other two cars, became interested after you bought Honda. So now we know that Jaguar is still there. What is about Desjatka?
We have sold Desjatka (and the other Desjatka is in use by my father in Russia).
For non-russian speakers, Desjatka means "10" in russian, i.e. 10th model of Lada.
The 10th model of Lada is confusing. My first thought was that Lada made only 9 models before, which is not true.
The real model number is 2110x. All Ladas have 21 in the beginning. x is usualy diffrence in engine. So 10 is left. ;)
Yes, I was actually going to write Lada 21103 but then I got worried that some people might find it strange that russians call it "10" ;-)
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