this blog documents parts of fersman pettersson's life. comments are welcome in english. kommentera gärna på svenska. Если хотите можете оставлять комментарии на русском.
It looks like that you don't have a bath, do you? I don't understand how Elena will alive ;) The bed on top of the computer table is COOL :) May be we should have something similar in our offices (for those who works in nights because of deadlines, like Leo or Pavel :)
Ruslanchik, I'm surviving quite well even without a bath tub. Because: 1) I don't have time for bath anyway (quick contrast shower is just right for me) 2) for relaxation I have Paul ;-))))))
It looks like that you don't have a bath, do you? I don't understand how Elena will alive ;)
The bed on top of the computer table is COOL :) May be we should have something similar in our offices (for those who works in nights because of deadlines, like Leo or Pavel :)
The idea with the bed for Ph.D. students is excellent!
Ruslanchik, I'm surviving quite well even without a bath tub. Because: 1) I don't have time for bath anyway (quick contrast shower is just right for me) 2) for relaxation I have Paul ;-))))))
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